Edmonton Boudoir Marathon

LifeDotStyle Boudoir is hosting an all-day Edmonton Boudoir Marathon on March 18th in our new Southside studio location! We can’t wait to have you over to experience how incredible and empowering a LifeDotStyle boudoir session can make you feel!  We hear from so many friends telling us they’re curious and want to do a boudoir shoot this year, but they’re worried they just aren’t good enough. “I need to lose weight first”….”I don’t have the right kind of body for boudoir”….”My body is wrecked after having kids!” We’ve heard it all. Here’s the real truth: You are stunning, and we’ll make sure you know it!

It’s time to throw those excuses out the door! You deserve to be celebrated just as you are! My goal in 2018 is to start start appreciating, loving, and celebrating myself more, and hosting these amazing boudoir events has been a huge part of my transformation.  We want to show you just how beautiful and strong you really are! Join me in my mission to love myself more and put myself first more often. If boudoir is on your bucket list, or you just want to have a spectacular day that is all about you feeling gorgeous and loved,  stop telling yourself “if only” and instead join me and Conni in the studio to celebrate  the amazing beauty that is you!

Book your Boudoir Session HERE!

Edmonton Boudoir photographer, Edmonton Boudoir photography, Boudoir Photographer Edmonton, Luxery Boudoir session Edmonton, Self Love, Self acceptance, Do it for you

An Edmonton Boudoir marathon is a way for us to host multiple ladies in the studio, while everyone gets their own private boudoir session!

Our Boudoir marathon sessions include:

Pro hair and makeup

10 downloadable, print ready photos,

Graphic Shirt: “Love is the New Black” from A Beautiful Inspiration

25% off albums, prints, or “I want it all Package”

Pricing can be found HERE!

Edmonton Boudoir photographer, Edmonton Boudoir photography, Boudoir Photographer Edmonton, Luxery Boudoir session Edmonton, Self Love, Self acceptance,You deserve this


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