If you are a bride with smart phone, you have an entire world of inspiration at your fingertips. Using Pinterest on your phone or mobile device also provides the advantage of being able to plan your wedding around the obligations of your everyday life. Time you’d normally be wasting (like the few minutes waiting in line at the grocery store) are turned into wedding planning time. You can search and pin things to share with your photographer or wedding planner (you can invite them to share and pin on your boards with you) without interrupting your already busy life.2. Pinterest is a fantastic way to keep your ideas organized.
Being able to quickly and efficiently pin images to different boards makes it easy to find the idea you wanted to ask the caterer about or the idea you wanted to mention to your bridesmaids. There is no need to shuffle through scraps of paper or stress out trying to remember the exact color of the flowers in the picture you were looking at. Now you can simply bring up the board you are looking for and pull up the exact bit of inspiration you were looking for. Just remember that when pinning images it works best if you make a custom description for each of them reminding you of why you pinned the image in the first place!!
3. Pinterest is a tremendous source of inspiration.
There is an unbelievable amount of inspiration on pinterest and the amount of grows inspiration every day. It is easier than ever to find precisely what you are looking for (you may also stumble across things that you hadn’t even thought of). From decor to photography poses to tuxedo styles, Pinterest has thousands of pins to gather inspiration from. Just remember that while gathering information and inspiration is fun, inspiration overload isn’t. Once you have pinned everything you love sit down and edit your boards. Ask yourself why you were drawn to the images you pinned and if they go with the overall feel for your wedding. Ruthlessly deleting pins that don’t fit in with your vision will ultimately make your Edmonton wedding easier to plan.